Wasn’t sure if I was having contractions


On April 6th I had my 39 week doctors appointment. When my husband and I went into the doctor she said that she could do a membrane sweep since my cervix was favorable and there was a 50% chance it would put me into labor. This was a big surprise to my husband and I as we had no idea she was going to offer a membrane sweep at this appointment! I agreed to have the sweep done and boy did it hurt. After the doctor left the room while I was putting my bottoms on my husband almost passed out because reality hit him that we were actually going to be parents! On the way home from the doctor I started having what I thought were contractions but I wasn’t sure because they just felt like period cramps. After getting home and having these “period cramps” for 3 hours they started to get closer together so I was assuming they had to be contractions so we went to the hospital. When we got to the hospital I was 5cm dilated when I was 3.5 at my appointment earlier that day so they kept me. I wasn’t expecting my contractions to feel like period cramps the entire time I was in labor. I was planning on not getting an epidural but Ended up getting one. They tried 3 different times to get my epidural in because the guy couldn’t feel my bones in my spine for some reason... whenever I got the epidural I was 6cm. Two hours after that I started feeling the pain through the epidural so I told the nurse and she checked me and said I was 9cm. 5 minutes after that I told her I felt like I needed to push and she kept telling me no I didn’t lol. Finally after she got tired of me saying it to her she went and got the doctor for her to check me. She said I was very close to 10 but we would try a practice push to see how well I would do with pushing and if I did good she would let me keep pushing. I gave that push all I had and she decided to let me keep pushing. I ended up pushing him out in 15 minutes!! My doctor kept asking me if I was sure this was my first baby lol. She had 5 other deliveries that night and said mine was the best and easiest one she did. Paxton Carter was born on April 7th at 1:34am and weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces and was 21 inches long! I was in labor for 12 hours.