

Hey ladies! I am 21, almost 22 and have suffered with PCOS since I was 12 😒😒😒 last year my then boyfriend (currently husband 😍😍😍) and I decided to try for our first baby together (he has one from a previous marriage). It’s been 11 months and still haven’t gotten my BFP. I had blood work done and they said that a few of my hormones are elevated which they expected to see with PCOS. They have now requested that my husband have a sperm analysis done before we begin clomid next month!

Have any of you ladies experienced your men having low sperm counts after having past children?

I honestly don’t know how to feel. I hope there’s nothing wrong on his end, but I also don’t want the added pressure knowing it’s completely my fault we haven’t had our rainbow baby yet. Any advise on the whole sperm analysis process would be wonderful just to keep my mind at ease.

Thanks loves ❤️❤️❤️❤️