Beginner PCOS

Kortnie • 👧🏼 November 2019 • IUI • TTC #2

Hey ladies. I’m feeling pretty defeated today and I could use your advice, support, encouragement, whatever you feel like providing.

Long back story made short: I was on BC for 10 years (pill 8 yrs, IUD 2 yrs, Nuva ring 2 months due to side effects) before stopping in February. I had my withdrawal bleed. First cycle started March 25 (lasted 5 days) and my second cycle started April 6 (still on - 21 days tomorrow.)

I went to the OB today for a vaginal US. I was informed I have PCOS and my heart sank. I was given a ton of information about Clomid and Femora (sp?) and it all became a big blur.

Ended up getting lab work to check my thyroid, iron levels, sugar levels, and other things among those. I’m waiting on the call regarding those results. I don’t even know how to begin to process this information I got today.

So ladies - help a girl out. What have you had success and failures with?

I’ve kind of always had this lingering feeling that TTC was not going to be easy for me. So whatever I can do to make this next step in our lives will be greatly appreciated.

Much love. 😘