Hello! Okay! Two problems! I’ll start with the first since it leads to the second. So when I have sex with my boyfriend I sometimes get really dry...even though I’m enjoying myself and it feels amazing. Idk why? Any tips on that? Also...this is more pressing. I’m PMSing right now, I have about 5 days until my period. I was riding him and BECAUSE I was dry the condom broke. I popped off after like 1 minute and he hadn’t cum but I noticed the condom broke. I panicked. What are the chances of me being pregnant?? I’m probably gunna scrounge up what money I have to try and buy plan b tomorrow (broke college students here). Anyways please leave advice I would really really appreciate it 😞

Edit: also he hadn’t cum before through the day..! He seemed pretty dry when he came out, but I can’t see microscopic sperm though. Also I took plan B about 2 months ago, which...is hard because I don’t wanna take it again. Condom broke, again 😞 I wasn’t taking it irresponsibly I think this just sucks lol