

okay, this is going to sound a bit strange.

my ex boyfriend & i didn’t work out for obvious reasons.. hence the EX part, but we continued to stay friends. we help each other out when we need it. we watch out for each other & give advice when it’s needed. we talk about our current relationships & what not. we make it VERY well known between us (and our partners) that there has been a line drawn & we’re strictly friends. i know, some of you are gonna say there’s no way we can be just friends. everyone says that & you’re wrong. just bc we didn’t work out romantically doesn’t mean we can’t still be there for each other.

ANYWAYS he’s been dating this girl for about a year. a few months ago he came to me about something. he said that they haven’t had sex. she has, but she wouldn’t with him.

he recently told me that they finally did it. after the first time, all she talked about was sex. so they did it again & now she always has an excuse as to why they can’t.

with that being said, i have offered many possible suggestions as to why & he has turned them all down. ladies, can any of you help my friend out by telling me why you think this is happening?