We had a routine OB appt which the MD said that we were 4 cm dilated and he could feel my amniotic s...

We had a routine OB appt which the MD said that we were 4 cm dilated and he could feel my amniotic sac bulging. He sent us home (we live an hour away from his office and the hospital that we were delivering at) and we continued our day of normal shopping. We were supposed to be induced on May 1st so the MD was not concerned. I had just finished making dinner and used the toilet, when I stood up after peeing I felt a weird pop and a huge gush of water that I could not control cane flowing out. It was probably 2 to 3 cups. So my husband and I headed back to the hospital. The nurse checked me and said that she could still feel a bad bulging. They ran a test and the first was positive for amniotic cells, it turned out that I had a forebag, so two amniotic bags because they had never merged. I had to get pictocin to even put my contractions because I had coupling and tripling and then when I got to 10 cm they had me push for 4 hours to try and have a natural birth but my pelvis was too small and we had to do a C-section. I did do the epidural and it helped immensely but did not take away all of the pain when I had been in labor. We now have a healthy 7 pound 6 ounce, 18 inch baby boy 😊 my water had broken at 7:15 pm. We got to the  8 pm on April 25 and his birthday is April 26 at 5:15 pm.