My husband invited his best friend on our date....

Ok so first of all I’m not going to discuss this with my husband. I’m not going to use your responses to “prove” I’m right or he’s wrong or whatever. I just need to vent and find out if I’m being unreasonable.

My husband and I haven’t been on a date in about a month. Our son is 5 months old and not an easy baby, and I’m EBF so we can’t get a sitter more than a few hours (we’ve tried bottles so many times but he just screams). Tonight we finally had plans to see a movie. I had a sitter arranged, I had my hair and makeup done, everything was ready for the sitter.

So first of all, I had to feed my son (he’s eating some solids) and then nurse him, which basically took up all my time until it was time to leave for the movie. I didn’t have time to eat dinner, so popcorn and shitty candy and soda were my dinner lol. Then I find out his best friend is going to be sitting with us during the movie. Now I like this friend but he’s already at our house every weekend (sometimes two days of the weekend), and this is literally the ONLY time we have together without our baby. He just told me this friend was going to be sitting with us, without bothering to ask how I felt about it.

I expressed my frustration after the movie and said I didn’t feel it was a date, because who brings their single friend on a date?... He seems to see no problem with the way the night went though, even though his friend was literally with us up until the moment we got in the car and drove home. Am I being unreasonable, or does he owe me a real date without any strays tagging along?

Also my anxiety is back and causing an ulcer, I’m crying in the bath because I can’t sleep (due to the anxiety and pain) and he’s SLEEPING. I left the room crying and he just rolls over and goes to sleep with everything unresolved and I feel like complete shit physically and mentally and emotionally. So that’s cool.