‼️(UPDATE)⚠️⚠️‼️urgent advice please!!!

alright i just wanna start off by saying that to all of you moms and stuff yes i know, i am young (14) and shouldn’t be worrying about relationships and boys all that but it’s all part of adolescence so please just dont judge.

sooooo there is this new guy in our school, he’s in grade 10 and i’m in grade 8...and i think he’s really cute. yes, a lot of you guys will be like ah age difference too big but i am used to hanging out with older people since my brother is older i have a lot of friends in upper grades+i prefer dating older guys anyways because they are more mature (bcus girls mature faster than guys and all of the guys in my grade act like they are 11 or younger..😂😬) ANYWAYS i really really want to TALK with him because he is friends with my friends from older grades (boys mainly) and they tell me how cool he is and he just seems really nice. PROBLEM IS i can’t talk with him because imtoo much of a pussy. this is rly weird for me because i am usually extremely outgoing and very confident and i love talking with people and have a lot of different friends but when it comes to crushes, i pussy out. but i am a little confused because he looks at me a lot. my friends have told me and even people i don’t even talk with have told me that he always look at me and it maybe because he sees me looking at him and he’s like wtf or he actually is also interested?? probably the first one 😂😂so yeah my question IS...how do i talk with him??? and i want him to be interested in me. so i guess it’s two questions: how do i get closer with him and how can i get him to be interested in me (flirty trips/tricks)?? i really want to hang out wth him and get to know him because i really am interested in him (not personality yet because i want to get to know him) and yeah. PLEASE HELP ❤️and if u read all the way to the end omg thanks so much 😂😂👌🏼i know this is really long and annoying but i would love it so much if i just got a little bit of advice from someone that would mean so freaking much. ❤️❤️

HEY guys so here is an update:

it’s night time over here so i can’t talk with him in person but i noticed something he does on snapchat. we have a streak and whenever i send him something he doesn’t open it until like 3 hours later sometimes even though his snapmap says he was on “just now” or like 5 min ago. i do this too to ppl but what do u think it means when he does it??? do u think that it shows that he’s uninterested? the reason why i do it is bcus the person who i don’t open their snap for a while is usually someone who i am fond of and want me to be on their mind for a while, but i don’t know if he’s doing it for a different reason...just another question sorry - what are your guys thoughts??? thanks so much for the help!!