Welcome baby Alice 😍


Can't believe my little girl decided to make her arrival at 39 weeks :) so happy she blessed me with the best pregnancy and a nice easy labour and delivery.😍. So Wednesday morning I wake up at 6am and as I get out of bed there's a small trickle of liquid. My instant thought being baby must have dropped really low and sitting on my bladder this never happens... So I get up go to the toilet and out comes my plug completely. At this point I notice I have started to get a bit of back ache, nothing major but enough for me to think hmm 🤔 this is what it used to feel like when AF was due. I go back upstairs and wake my husband up and say "I have a funny feeling baby is going to be making her appearance soon... Maybe not today but soon". At this point we decided to carry on as normal and get ready for work. By half 8 I have arrived at work and explained to them that I think I'm in early labour but nothing is really happening so I left it to them if they felt it best for me to stay at work or return home. They decided to send me home and told me that it's probably best I go and get checked. 9:30 rolls around and I'm starting to get slightly stronger pains but nothing unmanageable. So I phone the midwife and explain what has gone on so far to which I'm advised to go ahead and head up to be checked out as they believe that my waters had in fact broke. By the time I'm checked it's 11am and I'm told yes I am in fact in established labour but I from what they can see I am not dilated or effaced yet so I was to return home and wait it out. They also gave me some confidence codomal to help with pain relief and advised when I get home jump in the bath as it will help move things along and also help with the pain of contractions. So I get home at 12 noon and do as advised now being assisted by my husband. I come out the bath and decide as the pain killers are making me drowsy I best go lay down and try to get a bit of rest. So for the next 3 hours there I lay with each contraction getting stronger but nothing I felt was unmanageable towards the last hour the only difference in my contractions was that I had started to get a lot of pressure and felt like I needed a poo. My husband came over to check on me and help me change my pad as I told him I felt rather wet. After he helped me he noticed there was a bit of blood on the pad. So decided it was time to get me back up the hospital to be checked out again. By the time we get down the stairs, in the car and to hospital another hour has passed and it is now 4pm they check me out and much to my surprise 😲 I am fully dilated and am told when I feel like it I can push.😥 At this fact I was completely baffled and had to check that this is in fact what the midwife had said. So 20 minutes later without any pain relief and only about 6-10 pushes out came my beautiful daughter... Alice Rose, 16:44 25/04/2018 7lbs 3.5oz and 19.5 inches long