My beautiful Rainnbow


Topher Rainn, due May 3rd, was born April 19th. he weighed 7 lbs and 11 oz and was 20 in long. His delivery was not like i expected at all. I woke up at 1:30 am on the 18th with irregular contractions they were between 3 and 5 minutes apart. i had decided to rest in between them because they werent all that intense. 4 am rolls around and i get up to pee again and my waters broke. i got my husband up and we went to the hospital. when they checked me i was only 2 cm dilated but my waters were definitely broken. baby boy was at a -3 station (barely in the pelvis). they start me on pitocin because my contractions were still inconsistent. they upped it by 2 every 20 mins until it was at 30. 12 hours later and i was getting contractions every 2 mins and they were pretty insense. But a cervix check revealed that i had only progressed to a 3 in 12 hours... the doctor decided to shut the pitocin off for an hour to let me eat, and in that hour i had a total of 3 contractions. they started the pitocin back and worked it back up to 30. at this point we had been there for 15 hours. fast forward to 3 am, i was having intense contractions every 2 minutes but a check determined i was still at only 3 cm. i decided at that point to get the epidural because knew id be getting a csection as soon as my doctor showed up. i knew it would allow me to get some sleep and be a quicker process later because they wouldnt have to place the epidural before surgery. sure enough, at 7 am when my doctor arrived i was still at a 3cm so he suggested thw csection and at 8:41 am after 28 hours of labor (33 if you count the hours of contractions at home) i heard the sound of my son's cries and i couldnt help but lay there and sob. After 4 years of trying, 3 miscarriages and an infinite amount of heartbreak and tears we have our Rainnbow after the storm 🌈