Just needing to vent.

Sophia • 22. Married. Olivia Nov ‘17. Baby sister due July 2020

I’m not really sure what’s wrong with me. I don’t even know why I’m writing this but I need to vent.

I feel like I shouldn’t be as miserable as I am. I mean, life is good right?

My daughter is a healthy happy 5 month old. My boyfriend works from home so I always have help. We’re financially stable. We have help from family. Don’t get me wrong, We have our moments when we can’t stand each other but every couple does.

But some days (like today) I just feel so miserable and depressed. My baby girl is currently teething so badly right now. I’m the only one who can calm her. I can hear her crying from the living room. I can hear my boyfriend trying to soothe her yet all I want to do curl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep. But why? I don’t know...

That’s the most frustrating part of all. I have NO IDEA why I feel the way I do.

Just wondering if anyone else can relate to how I feel.

I’m sure I’ll get through this but gosh...this is hard.