Praying for good vibes🙏🏻🙏🏻

Momma 🦋 • Mother of 3💕 SAHM💗 Wife🤍

Well last week I went in for a ultrasound and I was measuring 5 weeks and 5 days but no baby at all. I have another one this Wednesday and I’m hoping there will be something I will be 6 weeks and 3 days. Any good stories you ladies had with not seeing anything one week and seeing something the next. I’ve never had miscarriage and honestly I don’t think I could even handle that. Many questions would run through my mind unanswered. Was it my fault? What’s wrong with me? Could I have prevented this? I just feel for the women who’ve lost there babies. They are so strong! 🙏🏻❤️ I am currently almost 6 months postpartum and this would be my second baby! Thanks in advance 🤗❤️