Emotional and lost

So hubby and I have been TTC for 5 years and just found out Friday via surgery that I have endometriosis and my filopian tubes are blocked except for a small part of my right tube. My doctor says <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> is the only safe way to go now and the closest clinic he works with is in NH (we live in Washington county maine 8hrs from NH). I've been strong the last few days but today I lost it. The thought of having to save 18000 for 2 tries and my husband never being able to cum in me again because if I do get pregnant naturally the baby will end up outside my reproductive system and might be fatal... It's become over whelming to say the least. On top of that my sister and 2 year old nephew are living with us and she has been zero help since my surgery so hubby had to take 2 extra days off from work without pay to do what she could of been doing anyway. I am do freaking emotional today about everything it's like I'm out of control. sorry for the rant I just needed to get things off my chest.