Abusive ex.. what to do??

So I just broke up with my bf of 2 years. We’ve had a pretty bad relationship from the start I think. He cheated I forgave him, we did a lot of drugs together, I moved in and out of his house constantly. Had an abortion that I didn’t want because of him. Just a train wreck. But now we’re both clean and have good jobs and are growing up a bit. And it seems like we really loved each other thru it all but idk he’s mentally emotionally and physically abusive. So I broke it off and he’s saying I don’t deserve the freedom and I don’t have the right to break up with him after he’s spent so much time and money on me. We’ve been going back and forth on it for over a week. I just want to be done but now that he’s fighting so hard I’m like maybe I should stay cause who would fight so hard for a relationship if they don’t love that person so much. Idk if I’m just being manipulated and need to run in the other direction or if I should give him another chance since hes trying so hard. Thoughts?