Having a baby after children being taken.

Leah • 🤱🏻🖤💜Riot's Mommy & now Baby Shine is going to make their debut 09.18.22🖤💜

This is the internet, I'm sure I'll get a lot of unnecessary opinions, but hey, that's life. So, here's a little background info.. I have 2 boys, one is 8, and the other 3. Back in 2014, I didn't have it together to say the least. I was dealing with severe depression&anxiety; in a very unhealthy way, I was self medicating with Xanax and percocets.. I ended up going to jail for a few months for an old unrelated charge. I did not want the boys to go into foster care nor did I want them to be separated because without me I felt like all they had was each other.. I reached out to my step mother in hopes that she could take them in unil I was released and had things a bit more figured out(she agreed to). Fast forward a bit til now.. I miss my boys extremely bad. Unfortunately, my step mom doesn't even wanna give me the time of day even though I'm clean and have turned things around*. It's very heartbreaking.. Especially knowing that my oldest is under the impression that mom doesn't want or miss them.. Also, I contact my step mother on a daily basis trying to get in touch with her and the boys. Unfortunately, she never responds to me.. It hurts so much.. I just wanna see my boys. Fast forward to the present moment. I am 24 weeks pregnant with another little boy. In no shape or form was this planned. If it was up to me I would alrdy have them back home with me(also, I do not have any open court cases).. I'm just curious as what's going to happen after having this baby? I have documented proof that I've been clean before and during my pregnancy. My counselor is all for me keeping ths baby, seeing as I've been doing everything I need to and just staying on top of all my responsibilities. I rlly have changed my life around. I'm just worried because I do not want to go thru that type of heart break, again.. Especially seeing as I've turned my life around for my kids. I just am curious because I have never been thru something like this.. I refuse to fold.. never, again!! All advice is appreciated. Thank you, ladies.