advice please?

so there’s been some beef going on between people in my friend group and I need some advice please!

so basically, two of my friends, let’s call them Sally and Jane, started dating last summer. Fast forward to the end of October. They break up, things are a little tense between them but they become friends again. Now let’s go to February. It’s Sally’s birthday and she doesn’t invite Jane to her little shindig but she invites our other friend. Let’s call her Katie. Jane got kinda upset and said that Katie and Sally were acting “bitchy” about it since Jane kinda confronted them about it. For some reason, Katie, Sally and the other people in my friend group have started to stop liking Jane. Like, Katie started another group chat without Jane in it and they go out to study without telling her. I’m included in their chat and study groups but sometimes I don’t really participate.

Now, let’s go to a few weeks ago. Jane’s best friend in the group, we’ll call him Will, apparently has a thing for Sally...Jane’s ex. Jane got upset with him and he got upset because she confronted him about it. Anyways, I think they talked it out and Jane said that they were ok but I think that Will is still upset about it. Also, when Jane was running for an office position in a club that we’re all in, no one voted for her except for me out of all the people in our friend group. Even Will, who’s her best friend, did not vote for her.

Now, we fast forward to today. Jane found out about the group chat that didn’t have her in it and she found out that we’ve been hanging out without her. Since I’m the only one that really talks to her and hasn’t been rude to her, she texted me today, asking why everyone’s been shutting her out and doing things without her.

I honestly have no idea what to do. I don’t want to get in the middle of all of this but I don’t want to be a bad person or lose any friends. I love my friend group and we’ve been together for about a year now.

I do like Jane as a person but sometimes, she can be really sensitive and self-centered and takes offense to a lot of things. She also sometimes victimizes herself in situations.

Also, I don’t have classes with like half the people in my friend group but I’m trying to figure out the whole story.

Please help me, I don’t know what to do.