He’s here


Our little Gibson Cole cake today @ 39w1d with a csection and we also did a bi tubal. 7.5 lbs 19” long 9:52 am! We are loving him, and his little dimple. He’s slowly figuring out how to latch, we both have had some complications today, they have him on ivs and oxygen trying to get his lungs working properly and being heavily monitored. I have a delivery from hell in my honest opinion, I love my OB but my anesthesiologist took 5 times for the epidural and ended up calling in someone else to get it... so 6 times, YES 6 times I have to be poked in the back 😠 vomiting, during the procedure. Gibson was able to stay with us though and have skin to skin while they finished up, pain finally was managed after 3.5 hours of getting feeling back and now I can’t stop throwing up. Ok VENT OVER. I hope and pray everyone has healthy MAY babies (and also the rest of the months) and mommas have healthy deliveries 💜💙