She’s here! 🎀


Around 8 am, I started to get contractions here and there, about 9-10 minutes apart. I didn’t think much of it, as I had a membrane sweep the day before, and had contractions then as well, but nothing stuck. Around 10:30am however, they suddenly became 5-6 minutes apart! I waited an hour, called my doctors, and they had me come in. It took forever for my SO to get everything together, so we didn’t arrive at the hospital until 12:30 pm.

At this point, I wasn’t too miserable, but I had a hard time talking during the contractions. They admitted me at 5 cm, and I immediately asked for the epidural.

I got the epidural, and it ended up slowing down my contractions, but I was dilating fine. Around 7:30, I was at 7-8 cm, but my water handnt broken yet. I elected to break it, and hope that I would dialate a little quicker. Around 8:30, I was a very good 9cm! I started to get ready to push at 9 pm, at 10 cm. After almost a full hour, and SO many tears, my baby girl came.

Mayalla was born on May 1st, 2018 at 9:58 pm weighing 8 pounds 12 oz! We’re absolutely in love! 💕