My husband is a liar

He hides things, all the time. Whether its how many beers he’s had, picking up a new hobby of smoking e-cigs, talking to girls online, finding a girls number in his car, hidden credit card debt, I am so sick of it. Half the time I find out things I’m not even looking. I found the girls number while cleaning, the e-cig by looking for earplugs, the debt by opening bills... I’ve actually been trying to build trust and move on. But I’m so worn. I have no more trust left. I am 8 months pregnant, we’ve been married for three years, this is supposed to be the fun time as a young family. He always has excuses, its never his fault. How disappointing. I’m done trying to fix it, I don’t know if I should just enjoy my small kids and focus on myself? Maybe he’ll come around and mature someday. 😔