This Sucks.

My mother in law is such a sweetheart and I love her dearly. She just turned 84 this past March and for years she was in good health except for Chrone's Disease, except for now. She had a doctor appointment today cuz her white blood cell counts were a little high which is common with Chrone's disease. She got a smudge cell test done and she has smudge cells present. Her doctor told her today that she has Lukemia. This sucks big time. I lost my step mom who I was very close to you for a lot of years after I met my husband. My step mom passed away before my husband and I got married so she never got to see me walk down the aisle. I suffer from PCOS which I didn't get dianosed with until after she passed away so she'll never get to meet my future children in person. Now I'm scared that that's going to happen to my mother in law as well. My mother in law has always been there for me when I've needed her and she has been there for me during my trouble with infertility. She had welcomed me into her family from the very first day that I met her. I love her so much and I don't want to lose her. Please keep her in your prayers.