

So I had unprotected sex on April 16th & he FOR SURE came in me... TWICE. Ovulated on the 19th and fast forward two weeks, I’m having on and off light cramping and on and off lower back aches, increased discharged IN the beginning, kind of slowed down now but still there, boobs are sore and I notice it’s only at night. I haven’t had any spotting yet though. I took a pregnancy test on April 28th, came back negative. Took another one on May 1st, came out negative again. My period, according to <a href="">Eve</a>, & has always really been accurate, is due on the 8th so I figured I’d take another one if it’s late. I’ve never had these kinds of “period symptoms” a week to two weeks before it’s always been DAYS before my period. But what do you girlies think? Anyone have the same experience and end up pregnant? I wanna hear your opinions!