
Okay, I’ve been wanting to make a post to get opinions about my situation, but I figured I’d do my hw about what I’m going through before hand.

Ive done A LOT of “research” , hours and hours worth.

I get it , unprotected sex IS NOT a good idea if you’re not trying to get pregnant , a form of birth control is the “best way to go” if you’re not trying to get pregnant, pull out method , isn’t “ a method”

plan b is never 100% guaranteed, and messes up your cycle , it’s a huge does of hormones that delays ovulating so your egg is not fertilized (UNLESS YOU’RE ALREADY OVULATING THEN IT DECREASES EFFECTIVENESS) & has a lot of side effects , I get it.

The “only way to know” is to test.

I’m posting this to get opinions, if you decide to leave rude comments, I’ll just take it as constructive criticism .

(I would LOVE to have a baby BUT I’ve always wanted to wait until the time is right for my SO, so we’ve been trying to prevent it)

So, here’s what’s going on.

My SO & I have been together for almost 5 years , we’re still young , so not necessarily wanting to have a child just yet , we’ve been VERY careful & used protection every time we’ve had sex. Except recently , I know not smart of us , but you live and you learn.

Here’s a time line

I have 26 day cycles & my periods are regular.

4/18 - unprotected sex for a couple minutes then used a condom

4/19 - unprotected sex for a couple minutes then used a condom

4/21 - unprotected sex started a period VERY VERY light period

4-22 - period came and went normal 100% okay.

4-26 - one DAY after my period , my SO finished inside of me , I took plan b not even 30 min afterwards, a couple hours later he finished inside of me again because I had already taken plan b, figured I was covered. (Not smart I know , moving on)

4-28 - “pull out method”

4-29 - “pull out method”

My expected ovulation is MAY 3rd, 2018.

I’ve had hella symptoms , i assumed from the pill but I’m not sure.

Light pinchy, pully cramps in both ovaries , a pulsing feeling in or by my uterus , I’ve come down with a little bit of a cold , I’ve been ridiculously hungry, tired , and completely worn out with no motivation to do anything.

My boobs are becoming sore & I had a killer migraine 2 days ago, I’ve been VERY moody & emotional (I cry over everything lol) &upset; stomach.

I may just be over reacting , but I’ve taken plan b before because of a broken condom & It wasn’t this bad but again, I’m sure every time you take plan b, is different.

So , opinions anyone ?

UPDATE: I have VERY creamy egg white discharge (5-2)

UPDATE #2: I’m pretty good at keeping track of my period & (I just started to watch my ovulation ) I’ve felt off, like way off the past couple days , period like cramps, painful breasts , bloated , & SOOO HUNGRY . I feel like how I do before I start my period, very hormonal is the only words I have for it.

Is there anyway I could have ovulated sooner and be in the early stages of pregnancy or is this all caused by the pill ?

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