Suffering Bronchitis while 6 weeks 3 days Pregnant

Jennifer • Proud mommy to Roman Oryn 🖤

It has been one stressful week. Between the coughing and the drowning in mucus that makes me puke. Not knowing what to take to subside the symptoms. Worried that I’m hurting my little baby by hyperventilation and dry heaving.

Today I had an ultrasound because in the mist having asthmatic bronchitis, I got a right ovary pain. I had the dreadful pelvic exam and the ob saw that my cervix was inflamed and bleeding. He was concerned about an ectopic pregnancy and wanted to scratch that out.

Today, I saw my little alien’s heartbeat and bursted into tears. This time last year I was pregnant and had a miscarriage. There was no heartbeat so I never had that opportunity to see the magic of a little fluttering heart. I am so blessed and I hope my little baby stays healthy. I know my angel baby is watching over her sibling and her mommy.