Increased Discharge and Extreme Thigh Pain


37 weeks as of Tuesday. Was told was 3 cm dilated. Doctor told me any day now. Last few days I have been having intense constant inner thigh pain. Feels like I did too many squats and lunges at the gym (that is if I had gone to the gym 😂). I noticed this afternoon they were slightly red as well. Was curious if anyone else has experience this? I also lost my Mucus Plug last Friday. Today I have noticed major increase in discharge. It is not watery or urine but it's like EWCM (the cervical mucus you get when tour most fertile). Same consistency and same clear color. I have had to change my underwear and pad multiple times because of the amount. Any thoughts on this? I have a call out to the doctor but was curious of anyone else has experienced this? FTM here so I could easily be over paranoid.