I need advice ASAP!!

Sooo I've been talking to a guy off and on for about 7 months and I really like him.. I feel really bad about this, but at one point about a month ago when we were "off" I rushed in to a relationship with an awful guy. We were only together for 2 weeks, we'll call this guy C. We'll call the Guy I really like B. So as I was saying before, C was a terrible guy, and I knew I had to break up with him. The night before I broke up with him I went to the movies... B was there. He flirted with me, so I flirted back, the most that happened is he put his arm around me. Later that night I explained that I had a boyfriend, I explained how awful he was, I told B I was going to break up with C, I told B how sorry I was.... it wasn't enough. He's scared to be in a relationship with me, because he doesn't think he'll ever be able to trust me again... what should I do??