Taking away security items!!!

FarmWife 🌾 • 2015 👧🏼 2017 👼🏼👼🏼 2018 👧🏼 🌈 2020 👶🏼

My 3yo has 10 or so loveys since birth (small square of fabric w/animal attached to them). She has one bigger one in particular that she seems to like more than the smaller ones now. I find these all over the house 24/7. Should I take them away slowly and just let her continue to keep the big one since she’s more attached to that one? Otherwise she’ll carry all them around with her too. 20 different items in her bed trying to keep track of them too! Gets to me a pain in the butt! Or maybe even try to convince her to wash up and save for her baby sister coming in August?