i feel so worthless 😩

im a sahm, 23, been one for 4yrs now. i have 2 boys, miscarried 2. ive been inside for 4yrs long, my husband never takes me out anymore. sure we do go to family events, but i dont even get along w his fam cause theyre not welcoming at all. i live an hr drive away from my fam that none of them wants to come all the time to visit or pick me up to go do stuff. forgot to mention that i cant drive yet. sighhh, ive never hung out w my friends since highschool. i never got an opportunity to make new ones cause all i ever do is stay home. my husband doesnt let me work at all cause he doesnt trust anyone to watch our kids and i cant drive, he doesnt want to take me. i get jealous whenever my husband has new opportunities to get. he gets another life wout the kids and i. he gets to meet new ppl and socialize. for me, i cant. i only have him and the kids. i sometimes feel like hes cheating on me and i have no damn clue cause all i do is stay home w the kids. i feel so worthless. all i really do is stay home and i get so tired of it. ive talked to him about it and he acts like im a bad wife, it was a mistake to marry me. i hate my life.... i miss being independent, i miss having friends, i miss hanging out. i dont mind if i have a car, or we live near fam, i can just go out myself w our kids. but we live so far and i cant even drive yet. plus, itll just cause my husband and i to argue cause hed accuse me of cheating. what should i do??