will baby take bottle from me if I breastfeed

3👼🌈💖2018🌈💙2020💖2021💙2023 • God's timing is perfect🙏⛪

I was told if I breastfeed my daughter and tried to give her a bottle that she will not take the bottle from me because she knows that I am right there and she could drink from my breast I was told that only her father should be able to give her her bottle and I cannot be around so she does not smell me how true is this I am a FTM and have no idea what is real or not. Update: I pumped 2 oz of milk for my daughter yesterday she will not take the bottle at all even if her dad gives it to her she'll choose to cry instead of latching onto it this is the second time I have wasted breast milk trying to get her to drink from a bottle has this happened to anybody else what am I supposed to do?