Advice pleaseee

So ive been with my boyfriend for about 3 months now and for this past week we’ve been arguing over little ass stuff. I’ve been feeling so insecure myself which causes the fights. For example ill get mad at him following this one female on social media and when i ask him why he said “i thought at the time she was attractive” but he unfollowed her as soon as i said something about it. I know it seems childish but when you are feeling insecure and unhappy with who you are you don’t exactly wanna hear your boyfriend call another girl attractive. Im also on my period so im extra moody. I love my boyfriend a lot but im not able to enjoy my relationship cause of my personal problems. i know i can overcome this but im scared he might be unhappy with the relationship. We also had a big argument recently, we both cried. We made up too. Should i talk to him about how hes feeling or just let things flow back to normal? Lmao im sorry if this sounds dramatic, i dont mean it to be but im just in need of advice on my insecurities and how to let them not affect my relationship. or is this just my period and im being extra for no reason lol