Exam help!!


Okay y'all I'm REALLY stressing!!! I have three exams this week and they're all due on Wednesday. Now, these exams did not become open to take until yesterday (Friday). I work EVERY DAY from 11-9:00 until Wednesday!!!! Our testing center for exams is only open from 9-9 and closed Sundays. And only 9-1 on Saturdays. So have to take all 3 on Wednesday and I can't just go during my 1hr long break and take them because that's not even enough time to take one! I don't even know what to do! I'm so stressed and anxious!

I can't get off for work. This schedule was not made by my store manager, but by our District Manager. This is because our closest store does not have an assistant manager and their manager is on vacation. OUR manager has to work some days there AND her own store for a week and OUR assistant manager is also on vacation! That just leave TWO of us to open and close throughout the week with our manager's help twice. And we have a part time but she can work by herself because she's in high school. I literally can not ask off for another day this week to study or take the test.

What do I do??? I'm stuck. Please give me some advice or prayers or something!!!