Could I be pregnant?!


Our little one just turned three months old. I am on the mini pill and take it at the same time each day..... with the exception of today. (I took it about three hours late) My son exclusively only has breast milk, but I sometimes give him a bottle I pumped previously in the day as well as nursing on demand. Well tonight we didn’t use a back up method (condoms) like we usually do... hubby also forgot that no condom was present and didn’t pull out in time. I’m terrified to have another baby right now. I took an ovulation test and I was not ovulating. I took the test for the next four days following and I did not have a positive ovulation test. I don’t believe I have started my period yet. Started bleeding after my six week check up but not sure if it’s because she checked down there and I still had some scar tissue and wasn’t completely healed yet. Are my chances high of getting pregnant?

UPDATE ! I had a slight pinkish color while wiping 5 days after unprotected sex. Can I seriously already be pregnant? I want to cry! We aren’t ready for another one yet. It took us 6 months to conceive our son. We really just want to enjoy him for awhile.

Do you think that I am really pregnant or am I just letting me being terrified rule me? HELP