Post abortion feels

Hey guys! Hoping someone, somewhere can relate. I had an abortion in August,2017. I was about 5 weeks when I went through with it. The condom broke, I took plan B within the hour, we laughed about it and went about our days normally. Period time came around, I was late, we tested and BFP. The only option was abortion, there was no discussion on “what if” from either one of us. We knew that was that. Now, we’re in a completely different situation. Have our own place, better jobs, more stable in all aspects. We’ve been together for about 4 years and some days I just can’t help but think WHAT IF. I know he feels that way too. I think sometimes we made our decision too quickly and now it’s catching up to us emotionally and mentally. I’m 20, he’s 21, we’re not trying again but I’ve been having the worst baby fever the pst couple of months. Not sure if it’s guilt or “grieving” but my heart just feels so heavy everyday. Just want to know if anyone else ever felt this way? Thank you.