
Cristina • 👸🏾 23.05.13 | 👶🏽 07.07.18

How’s everyone feeling?

I’m honestly so tired of being pregnant now 😒.

I have about half a day (every few days) where I feel great, but the rest of the time I just feel so physically and mentally drained. My ribs feel like they’re being ripped apart, my lower back hurts so much, my allergies are at their worst which means I’m having constant asthma attacks and coughing fits; and all of this combined means I’m getting almost no sleep so I’m constantly emotional and snappy ☹️. This pregnancy has been the complete opposite of my first - I was not ready 😩😭.

It will all be worth it when I finally meet my princess though ❤️

Here’s some pics of me yesterday during the feeling good stage before I crashed emotionally lol