Angry 24/7


I just recently got divorced on April 27th. I’ve been with someone since shortly after I left my husband. I’ve been with this man for almost a year and we’ve waited so long for this divorce to be finalized. But I’ve noticed ever since it’s been over, I’ve been super angry all the time. I don’t know if it’s because I’m in my PMS stage or the fact my period is 4 days late (negative pregnancy tests too) but I’ve been so angry. It’s to the point where it’s creating problems in my relationship. I’m constantly mad, crying or upset. I do have to say, in any relationship.... my boyfriend does pick sometimes but it’s in a joking way. But he doesn’t understand that sometimes he takes it too far and it does make me upset. I want to see a therapist but I’m in the middle of switching insurance and the soonest they can see me is like a month from now. I don’t know what to do. Its not fair to anyone. I feel like everyone is always annoyed with me and that everyone would be happier without me around. Today, while around my whole family.... my mom decided to talk about a bill in front of my boyfriend while she knew I was already upset. It made me even more upset and I flew off the handle. I thought it was so rude. The only reason why she saw is because she gets the mail and I opened it and it was on the counter so she looked at it. I don’t understand why she does this.... but also my sister is visiting my moms and my sister bitches and complains that I annoy her all the time! Like I seriously feel so unwanted by everyone. It seems like when my mom does anything it just infuriated me. It doesn’t help that my boyfriend lives 2 hours away and we only see each other on the weekends. But whenever we get together it seems like at least once we get into an argument. He’s so set in his ways and he will complain about so much. Last night it was him bitching about the pillows on the bed. Then it was how I wasn’t near my phone when he jumped into the shower and I accidentally stole his towel and wasn’t picking up my phone and he snapped at me over it. Like how the hell am I supposed to know I’ve got txts when I’m doing something, my phone is on silent and I’m not near it.... now while y’all are thinking I’m bitching about him... this is literally the only thing I see wrong with him. Other than that, he’s so perfect. He just really knows how to piss me off, but then again am I being too sensitive? Like he gave me the middle finger as a joke and I got mad and his mom said “oh see he’s telling you that you’re number one! See one finger up!” Trying to make me feel better because she knows he jokes. He said “get that fat ass in the truck” while laughing and I know he meant it as I have a big butt that he likes but I got so mad. Then again, his mom said well we come from a long line of fat asses and big dicks, it’s a shame he didn’t get either... as a joke and I thought it was hilarious and kinda have let that go. I don’t know what’s wrong with me lately. I’ve just been so depressed and upset. Any advice would be amazing. Please leave negative comments to yourself As I am in a really bad depression state right now.