Need your thoughts ladies... CM question..


So it’s been almost 1 yr since my miscarriage and its as if I feel like I might be pregnant but then again idk if its my mind... I have irregular periods but I always get one every month and my last one was March 20 something and so by Glow Im going on 12 days late and I took a pregnancy test Saturday morning and it was negative and I haven’t had many REAL symptoms either, only feeling tired, back pain and my GERD is worse and going pee more most of those I feel a lot anyway but idk if its because my mind wants me to be and I don’t want to stress the wait but its hard not to.... anyway this morning my CM was like watery/egg whites not sure if that means anything but wanted to ask you ladies for opinions... how is CM if pregnancy happens?!? Should I test again in a week?!? 🤔 🤔 😒 😔 🙏🏼