TTT this Mother’s Day


Hey ladies, I know Mother’s Day is a week from today and I’m not looking forward to it at all. I use to love Mother’s Day but now that we are trying to conceive it’s just a hard emotional day for me. I was reading a couple blogs last night and the whole time I was in tears and could hardly see the words because my tears were clouding my vision. 😭😭 the lady wrote exactly how I feel at this point in our journey. No matter how hard I try to focus on other things, I will always go somewhere that will remind me of what I dream of having. Anybody else feel this way? I want to be a mom and it comes so easy for some and for others it’s a long and emotional journey. So for the ladies that can get pregnant without even “trying” never take that for granted. There are many women who would love to be in your shoes. Remember that the next time you complain about having pains while being pregnant, some women dream of having those same exact pains.