What do I do 😔

So I’m in a bit of a situation and it’s really getting me down. I’ve been with my partner 6.5 years the thing is I don’t want to be with him anymore, I still love him and I always will but I just don’t want to be in a relationship anymore, I’ve had a lot of things happen this year that’s really taken it’s toll on me and me and my partner have become distant, we use to be together more or less every day but that changed to once a week, I never really noticed how clingy he is until we stopped seeing one another on a regular basis, he’s always saying that he wants to see me and be with me all the time and that he’s lonely etc... but the thing is I don’t like the clingyness I like my own space so I can be me and him being clingy is making me want to be even more distant from him, I’ve tried to hint at going on a break or full on ending the relationship but he’s not getting it and he just starts getting emotional and then I feel bad but honestly it’s getting to the point where I’m having anxiety attacks which I’ve never had before in my life, please help someone? I’m not wanting to end the relationship out of spite I just feel that I want to be on my own for a while 😔 x