what do I do?

I'm really upset because my boyfriend and I were talking and I asked him like why he never ask me any questions because I know everything about him and he doesn't know much about me and he says that he did know everything about me so I asked him about my grandparents and he said that they were still alive and they aren't they've passed a long time ago but it really hurt my feelings cuz I was right he doesn't know anything about me and then today I express my feelings and he got mad at me and said that I always make him look like the bad guy and it just hurt my feelings because he was making it about himself again and after I told him my grandparents have passed he went back to speaking about himself. it's just a matter of fact that he doesn't know much about me and when I asked him about me he never gives the right answer and then today of course him saying I make him look like the bad guy when we've never got in a fight before. by the way we've almost been dating for a year and it's just weird cuz we never fought