My labor story ❤️


I guess it’s my turn to share my labor story! On may 2nd which was my due date I had been having contractions for 2 days, doctor stripped my membranes and set a date for induction just in case he wasn’t ready to come on his own. After spending the morning with my mom running errands I got home and timed my contractions for 2 hours. After 2 hours of having them 5 minutes apart my mom drove me up to the hospital while my husband was at work. I went from being 3 cm dilated to 4 cm dilated in an hour of being in the hospital so it was baby time! Hubby arrived at the hospital around 7 which they then broke my water. Holy crap I never realized how bad contractions get when they break it. After laboring for 15 hours I was ready to push. After an hour and a half of pushing he wasn’t coming out. Only then did the nurse and midwife realize my baby was face up and stuck in my pelvis. After some deliberation it was decided I should have a c section and it scared me to death. I was crying my mom and husband were crying but we knew it was the best option. At 6:06 am my little man was born. 8lb 3oz of pure cuteness! When they brought him from around the curtain I cried and told my husband that he looked just like his daddy. Overall my labor experience was not what I expected but I would do it all over again for him.

Newton Steven born on May 3rd 8lb 3 oz and 21 inches long