I had preterm labor twice

I had preterm labor twice. April 4, 2018 (32 weeks exactly) dilated to 2 cm 70 percent effaced -3 station and April 17, 2018 (33 weeks and 6 days) dilated to 3 cm 90 percent effaced and -1 station. The first time I was admitted for 4 days and the second I was admitted for a week. They put me on restricted bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy. I started to get elevated blood pressure and heart rate at that time. I stoped gaining weight, Leo stoped moving as much (was super active my whole pregnancy even when he was breeched till I was 30 weeks. They did an ultrasound on the 4th at 9 in the evening. They never told me his cord was wrapped around his neck till the day my water broke. They saw his cord was wrapped around his neck on the 4th. Two weeks prior to that I knew something was wrong because he wasn't active but once a day for less than an hr. Everyone kept saying he'll be fine and I knew he wasn't. The drs and nurses all said when I was admitted the first time babies when they are distressed, there's an infection, or in my case the cord being wrapped around his neck twice and then having a true knot in the cord. My water broke on its own at 9:25 am April 29, 2018. I labored for 5 hrs and 30 mins and pushed for 5 mins. When he was born his cord was in fact wrapped around his neck twice with a true knot. He had fluid in his lungs, so he was put on the cpap to drain the fluid, my placenta was grey and rubbery so old what that meant or means. They took him away from me and put him in the NICU. His father walked out that day. I left his dad 7 months ago. Leo Cassius Chupp was born April 29, 2018 at 35 weeks and 4 days, at 3:52pm, 6lbs 7oz and 19 3/4 of an inch long. He has a heart problem called Wolff Parkinson's white syndrome. He most likely got it from me since e I have a heart problem. He's still in the NICU, they said all he needs to do now is finish all of his bottles without have what was left over put down his feeding tube. He breastfeed wonderfully never had to show him where my nipple was not even for latching twice before he breastfed. He rolls over on his own, lifts his head up on his own, moves it left to right, he holds his bottles and his paci by himself. He even smiles while he's awake and he tries to laugh. He's picked up on things really quickly. I'm sure he'll be crawling and walking early.