Ttc and after


I’m 5weeks on baby #1 no I dont have a lot of experience BUT I made it this far. A lot of women stress ab having a baby first when I was ttc it took 10 months of worrying when I gave up n just tracked my period my baby came that month I had sex a day before that day and the day after ovulation my chances were pretty high in the beginning I did what most women do and thought this is the month but realized if I stress ab it then the baby will never come so I completely pushed the thought out of my head so I had no hopes and so I couldn’t be disappointed but I did check my cervical position everyday because of this app. My cervix shot to the top then came back down the Very next day my cervix remained low closed and soft (like my lips) my cm was clear and slippery and I started getting nauseous at night but now it’s starting in the morning my breasts got tender all the way up until my period was supposed to come on the day of my missed period i took a test and got a BFP That’s where everything started I got hungry all the time I got tired all the time and vary bloated I’ve been having vary vivid night terrors and cranky like PMS and peeing like crazy my cervix is now high closed and soft and I’m still vary bloated I hope this helps for people ttc so they know some things there body could do best of luck to everyone and lots of love and baby dust sent everyone’s ways