Sex & an IUD

Johna • Fur Momma of 2, Coaster Obsessed & Future Teacher

Just out of curiosity, how soon after getting your IUD did you have unprotected sex or sex with him ejaculating in you??

I’ve had my IUD for about 3 weeks now and while we typically have sex with a condom (I’ve was tested when I got my IUD and I’ve been his only partner ever so I know he’s clean - so not worried about STDs)

Basically the whole reason I’m asking is because the other night we were fooling around and he went for a wrapper and we were out, he panicked and cooled off. He’s paranoid I’ll get pregnant. I tried to tell him my doctor told me it would take two weeks and we’d be safe but he still super concerned. I want to give him some piece of mind, I’ve read web articles and even the IUD web page to him but he wants to hear from real people & if you YouTube it most of the videos are “How I got pregnant on an IUD” etc.

So I was just curious y’all thoughts!

