My newborn has epilepsy

Everyday I wish it was just a dream. I gave birth to a healthy baby boy at 38w4d he had a little jaundice not major that was all. 5 days into his life he started having these twitches but would scream twitch for a good 30 sec then cry. Happened 2x called doctor she begged me to take him immedietly to childrens hospital. Well it happened there to the doc held his leg to see if it would stop and nope. Well they put a cathader in his penis to drain pee to run tests even did a spinal tap. They hooked him up to a eeg and he had another episode lasted 1 minute and i couldnt hold my precious baby my eyes were blood shut from all the crying. My husband never cries and that was the first time i seen him crying anf crying. Btw we also have a 5 yr old. Anyways they said test are normal hes going to be admitted though. 11pm they said one of us can stay my husband begged me to let him so i said sure ill bring our oldest to school the next day. All night i couldnt sleep i cried i would call my husband to see if he had another episode he said no. Next day comes drop my son off and head to the hospital which is 30 minutes away. My husband told me he did have an episode and didnt want me worrying though. My son was hooked to eeg still and had a oxygen tube he stopped breathing my husband kept it all from me :,( he looked so lifeless. He also told me our son is on a strong med that made his breathing bad which in phenobarbital its for sezuires. After taking that medicine he didnt have any more we stayed in the hospital for 4 days and no sezuires while on the med so we were able to go home. But hes on the meds and have to take it everyday he turned 1 month and the neurologist needed to do testing to see if its genetic resukts came back 3 days before my son turned 2 months found out my son has grin1 mutated its rare which cause the sezuire but showes epilepsy. My son hasnt had a sezuire in over 2 months and he has epilepsy im shattered! We had plans to wean him off the meds but doctors fears itll happen again :( i just wanna cry this med makes him so tired and makes him wide awake at night. Hes such a happy smiley baby :( Now were getting tested for free by his neurologist to see who has it in their genes. Has anyone been this thru i can really use some comfort