Reclaiming My Independence. - IDEAS WANTED.


Hey girls! So to sum it up, I’ve been pushed the edge and I’m at the point where I don’t care if my boyfriend breaks up with me or not. He’s not willing to change things in our relationship because I haven’t been happy lately, and he says that isn’t his problem. So I decided to bring up the idea that we probably aren’t good together and maybe it’s best if we separate, and BOI.

Let me tell you. He was not happy. NOT HAPPY. Like his response to everything I said was, “I don’t know.” He kept blaming everything on me, said I was creating problems that weren’t there before, and I kind of just sat there unimpressed. It takes two to be in a relationship, and if my happiness isn’t “your” problem, then you’re fucking up somewhere because I make sure he’s happy. But when it comes to me, it’s my responsibility. To some extent, yes, but I could be visibly upset and he would just ignore it and keep talking about whatever. SO, even though I’m technically not single, I’ve already gotten into the mindset of a single lady! After a break up, what do you do to make yourself happy again? Join a club, get a haircut, anything! I just want ideas. I’m thinking of going dirty blonde after having back hair for so long.