Am I a bad person?

My mother always judges me and criticizes everything I do. My brother has always been the perfect one. Best grades, played football on high school, went to Penn State , graduated with a 3.4, etc. I on the other hand am the black sheep. When my step father passed away, I changed. I was anxious, depressed, etc. My mother always thought I was a drama queen and l was just “pretending” because she was the only one who was allowed to be depressed. She was the only one who was supposed to be hurt. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010. I remember for a school trip we went roller skating and I twisted my ankle. I came home crying and while she was looking at my foot, she then said “Are they gonna take care of me or you now” I was hurt. I felt guilty to the fact that I got hurt when she was in that state. I played volleyball in high school, never got praise for it. She never came to my games the way she did with my brother. I was on the deans list my first semester in college and i’m in the honors society and she thought I was lying. I joined the army and made it and she still wasn’t proud. Anyways, throughout highschool and college, my friends had boyfriends. I always wanted something like that but honestly I was an ugly duckling in high school. But after basic/AIT i lost weight and people started to notice me. Throughout my life. my mom always called me a whore, I was cheap, no one would ever love me. And in truth, I didn’t even lose my virginity until I was 19. And that was to the love of my life. He’s the same age as me. We’ve been friends for a while and he was always there. We both got married on Jan. 6th. I didn’t tell my family especially my mom. Because I didn’t put my EAP form in time for my spring semester, she said she’ll pay for school. Just recently she found out I’m married. She started saying that since i’m married now I have somebody to take care of me and to have them co sign for me and that the only way she’ll pay for it, is if i divorce him. I can’t do that., I can’t. I can’t trade my love life for $7,000. Am i bad person if I finally told her to fuck off?