Faint positive 29dpo!

Tiffany • 35 years old w/PCOS. Conceived a girl (born Jan. ‘17) on Clomid. Second girl born Oct. ‘20 on Fermara. Now pregnant naturally with baby #3

I have a 31-34 day cycle. I had what I believe to be implantation spotting @ 16dpo. It is possible with a longer cycle to get implantation bleed later than the "normal" 6-12 dpo. This same thing happened when I got pregnant with my first.

Just found out we are pregnant with #2 at 29dpo. I have had plenty of pregnancy symptoms for a while now, especially fatigue, increased appetite, frequent urination, and sore breasts/darkening nipples.

The line is faint, but definitely there.

This was only a 3 hour urine hold, but showed within 5 minutes. I will do another test later and surprise my hubby 😆