Kick counting (PLEASE ADVISE)


Today I had some a**hole pulling a trailer nearly run me off the road on the highway and I had to slam on the breaks I went from 85 to 25 in about 1 second. I was wearing my seatbelt, but it applied a lot of pressure on my waist from hitting the breaks so hard. Baby has moved a few times since but not very much and I’ve had light spotting. I already called my doctors after hours and they told me to do my kick counting and if I haven’t felt 5 movements in an hour I need to go to L&D.; But I remember from my doctors appointment she said to do it during a time baby is typically active which usually isn’t until about 3/4 hours from now. Plus I’m at a point where it’s not strong kicks anymore but just lots of fidgeting. I know baby is padded in there and I’m probably being paranoid but does kick counting only work when he’s supposed to be active?? Or is it supposed to be movements within any hour? I’m just super anxious 😬😬