Pregnant or just in my head? A

I had my April period, and we had sex two days before I start, and the day of. With him pulling out one or two tunes and one day he didn’t, After my period ended we had sex for the next seven days straight, with him pulling out or finishing in me, it was a mix of both. The 8th day I had very light pink blood on the tp along with mild cramping. The next two days nothing happen except very mild cramps throughout the day, then I have a reddish brown discharge for about an hour just when I wipe. Then no discharge or anything, then I notice bloating, cramps, and if I move too fast nausea. I’m now going on a week of bloating, cramps, more tired, and now accompanied with a head cold feeling, I just feel stuffy, with an increase of saliva since I don’t normally drool, I’ve noticed an increase on my pillow lol, and while talking and as such, and I’ve noticed my discharge has increased, and today it was white instead of clear, I don’t get my next period until at least the 20 of this month. When’s the earliest I can take a test?