should i contact his ex?

my husband was married and engaged once before he married me. he was drinking one time, and he was talking about his ex wife. how she was able to calm him and make him feel better in any argument they have, and whenever hes mad. he said she makes him stress free. she was his savior when he got kicked out many times from his parents. she was everything he ever wanted in a woman, she can talk, she never runs out of words to say, shes fun, he just basically compared me to her that shes better. i feel like i want to message her and ask how she was able to calm him and make him feel better after they argue or whenever hes mad/stress. and how she was able to talk to him wout walking on eggshells. i honestly feel like im walking on eggshells everyday w him. and i want to try to see if i can use her ideals, to see if our marriage gets any better. she did message his bro to see how he was doing before. its been 7yrs since they divorced. she have kids already w the other guy, we both do too. she cheated and left him, he blames its his fault she cheated. if he hadnt allowed her to hangout w his friends, and if he hadnt gone to the military, she wouldnt leave him.