Getting an IUD and pretty nervous about it


Hello my fellow wonderful women of <a href="">eve</a>! So last week I went to my gyno and decided I need birth control. My periods have always been absolutely terrible to the point where I throw up constantly, get dizzy spells, shaking, pain so bad I can’t move - ya know the whole nine yards. She suggested I get the Mirena because it helps all that PLUS I just recently started having seizures and the pill is often effected by seizure medication.

Anyway I’m a bit nervous about getting it. My mother used to work in a women’s clinic so I’ve heard enough horror stories from her plus the few people I know who have one or have had one tell me it’s an extremely painful process.

So if any of you had or currently have an IUD could you let me know how it went for you and what you like/dislike about having one? Please and thank you!